A lot has been happening over the past few weeks with Voke. One of the most exciting projects has been participating in the Agora Conference. This conference exists to encourage young christian students living in Latin America.

The Agora Conference started this Wednesday. Over 1200 students attended on the first day. As part of the event, speakers like Ricardo Rodrίguez and Dr Ronaldo Lidorio ministered powerfully to students.

The Voke team has been hard at work presenting the app to students who speak Portuguese and Spanish. The app has just been released in these two languages, meaning that you can now inspire hope with more than just English videos.  After sending a video, the Voke app helps you start deeper conversations. These conversations centre around finding hope beyond our present circumstances when we feel discouraged or anxious.  So now, students can practically bring hope to their campuses and to their cities!

If you’re a student, we’d love to hear about your time at the Agora Conference. Was there a moment in this conference that really stood out to you? Also, you can also reach us on Instagram and see more of what the Voke Team was up to. And don’t forget to use the Voke app so you can grow in your friendships and share hope with a friend this week.

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